WOMAN UP with Kate Brim-Senekal Series 01: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Subscribe

Social Entrepreneur, Gender & Diversity Advocate,

Kate Brim-Senekal

is the founder and director of Sparrow Society, an international empowerment brand that focuses on creating viable economic opportunities for women in a range of industries in order to subversively shift mindsets around the value of women and girls, thus shifting the power differentials that increase gender-based violence and other social inequalities. She was awarded the Elizabeth Arden Community Hero Award, has been a speaker at TEDx and the JD Baqwa Leadership Conference and has been featured on the Expresso Show, Afternoon Express, Destiny Magazine, CCFM and Radio Cape Pulpit. Host of Woman Up – a podcast that flips the script on Women, Work, Faith & Justice.

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